Saturday, March 14, 2009

After a month in Minneapolis, I know about two dozen people, some of whom I see regularly. At work. Canvassing.

I have no apologies, by the way, about my meager contributions to this blog. There are plenty of other places, online and off, that I write regularly and with a great degree more thought and interest. Just think of this as an exercise in contrast.


carol g said...

Hi, Emily. That's almost one person per day. Not bad! Where do you work?

I like your blogs. Is writing your avocation at present?


Breakfeast! said...

Thanks, Carol!

After meeting up in a Seward-area warehouse every day, we drive out to whatever neighborhood we're fundraising in and start hoofing it. I often feel like PacMan, eating up the little dots and occasionally getting a nice piece of fruit.

As for writing, I suppose it's mostly a pastime these days, doubling as a way to communicate with the hoards of people I've stopped calling. I tend to stop editing once I think people will laugh, feel bad for me, or both.